Hospitality Digest
Julia N.
Lucas W.
Not inspired? Not proud of your answers? Wasting time?
Generate instantly human-like replies with
the smartest A.I in the world.
Choose your type of business copy paste or write a review and Click 'Generate replies' below.
Once our extension is installed, you can be can more specific about your type of business.
1- Copy paste your customer review
3- Get 2 replies
4- Refine your results an be more precise
2- Click "Generate"
White page syndrome?
Generate as much as you want until a creative reply shows up.
Just easy as that.
Writing valuable replies takes time.
We make this process enjoyable and less time-consuming so you can focus
on what matters most.
Tired of copy-pasting on
google translate?
GoodReply will process any language you can think of in two steps
with the same results.
Our model is trained on a huge corpus of data and one feature called Recurrent neural network (RNN) allows to better understand the context of a review. Because each review is unique each reply will be as well.
Not satisfied with your online presence?
E-reputation is key.Β Your customer wants a genuine answer. Stop copy-pasting the same reply all the time and delaying this critical aspect of your business.
It's hard when you get a bad review to stay calm. Generated text feels natural, authentic, professional and has 0 spelling mistakes.
Don't you do it? What happens if they see copy-pasted replies from you and poorly written reviews? They may perceive that you are not concerned with offering quality service, causing them to seek out alternatives.
Stars and number of reviews are not the only parameters to get more views. True engagement from business owners to provide a dedicated attention is measured as well, and platforms like Yelp, Tripadvisor etc. will reward you for this.
As a chrome extension, GoodReply can be used on top of any website
Hotels, Restaurants, Lawyers, Grocery stores,
Doctors, Tech companies etc.
Thomas G.
Restaurant manager,
La Diva
Ronald M.
Guest relation manager,
Los 3 Reyes
Emily J.
Community manager,
Times Out food market
Nancy T.
Hotel owner,
The Politan Hotel
Lauren M.
Business owner,
Timothy R.
Food truck owner,
El chingΓ³n
Hotels, Restaurants, Lawyers, Grocery stores,
Doctors, Tech companies etc.
*Results may vary regarding your efficiency, sector, location, type of replies etc.
No credit card required
No credit card required
+145 trials started in the last 7 days